Diabetes In Children

When A Child With Diabetes Is Away From Home

It is very important for the child, you, and other adults in the child’s life to keep the diabetes in perspective.

Remember, children with diabetes can do almost anything other kids can do, provided their diabetes is under control.

However, it’s important for teachers, the school nurse, school secretary, day care workers, and coaches to know about your child’s diabetes and know what to do if a problem arises.

What Others Need To Know

Adults who deal with your child may need information that includes:

  • What times your child needs to test his or her blood sugar or get an insulin shot.
  • What’s involved in blood testing or giving the child a shot. Your child may need to go to the school office for these procedures or have them done by the school nurse.
  • Special information about exercise. To avoid low blood sugar, children with diabetes need to eat before vigorous activity.
  • What times your child needs a snack.
  • Whether your child can eat food that’s distributed in the classroom.
  • What to do in case of hypoglycemia
  • What to do if there are signs of high blood sugar (increased urination, fatigue, vomiting).

Ask caregivers to call you:

  • If the child has signs of severe hypoglycemia and doesn’t respond to treatment with sugar followed by more solid food.
  • If the child shows greatly increased thirst, increased urination, or nausea.

How to information:

Supplies your child should carry:

  • Make sure your child always has a sugar source available in case of hypoglycemia and that an adult knows where it is.
  • In addition to their regular snacks, small children may carry a special lunch box with their emergency supplies, such as theglucose tablets or juice containers they may need if their blood sugar drops too low.
  • The child may carry a glucagon kit, or one should be available in the school office. All adults who have regular contact with the child should know where it is and how to use it.

The Importance Of An Identification Bracelet

To be on the safe side, the child should wear a medical identification tag. If there is an accident or the child can’t explain what is going on, this ID will tell health care professionals that he or she has diabetes. MedicAlert bracelets or necklaces carry a toll-free number through which callers can get information about the child’s condition, the name of the doctor, and more.

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