Eyelid Surgery

What Is Blepharoplasty (EyeLid Surgery)?

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure that removes excess folds of skin in the upper lids and pouches under the eyes (lower lids). Whether to improve your appearance, your vision, or both, reconstructive surgery usually produces a very pleasing effect and gives you a more rested, youthful look. Sometimes, blepharoplasty is accompanied by a procedure known as a brow lift. Blepharoplasty can be performed on one eyelid or on both. These procedures are generally performed by a plastic surgeon.

Your eyes are an expressive feature – one that people notice first – and your eyelids are part of that feature. The eyes are also the first of our features to show signs of age. As skin around the eye area ages, excess folds appear in the upper and lower lids.

Blepharoplasty can have a dramatic effect on your eyelids, restoring a brighter, more rested appearance. Blepharoplasty is one of the most satisfying facial cosmetic procedures because recovery is brief while results are long lasting.

And let’s face it; when we look better, we feel better.

Nice to know:

Eye Accessories

The eyes depend on accessory structures that support, move, lubricate, and protect them. These include the orbital bones of the eye socket, muscles of the eyeball, eyebrows, eyelids, and eyelashes, as well as lacrimal (tear) glands and ducts. If any of these structures ARE irritated, infected, or misshapen, vision may be impaired.

Nice to Know

Eyeballing the eyeball

The eyeball is cushioned by pads of fatty tissue and protected by the bony eye socket. Attached are six tiny muscles that give it a remarkable range of motion and allow it to follow an object’s movement smoothly.

Why Have A Blepharoplasty?

Over time, your eyelids may thin and lose elasticity, which causes them to sag. Often, fat from behind the eyeball migrates forward, giving the appearance of “baggy” eyes. If severe, it can interfere with vision or wearing glasses.

  • At first, bags or sagging eyelids may be noticeable mostly in the morning.
  • As the condition progresses, you may look tired throughout the day.
  • In addition to changing your appearance, sagging eyelids may interfere with your vision.

Nice to Know:

Your Special Shades

Think of your eyelids as shades for your eyes, playing both a protective and an aesthetic role. Their protective role is achieved by lubricating and washing away irritants each and every time you blink. They shield your eyes from bright lights, and they allow you to sleep at night by closing out the rest of the world. Aesthetically, your eyelids frame your eyes, providing a pleasing context in which others see your face. Of course, no two pairs of eyes are alike, so think of your eyes and eyelids as being custom-made for your individual face.


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