Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to varicose veins:

Q: If I have varicose veins, will I pass them on to my children?

A: Not necessarily. There are many factors that put you at risk of developing varicose veins. Your children can limit their risk by adopting preventive behaviors.

Q: Does walking make varicose veins worse?

A: No. Indeed, walking is beneficial. When you walk, the muscles in your legs contract, squeezing the veins, thus helping to force the blood to move forward on its way back to the heart. If walking causes discomfort, you should see your physician to determine why walking is causing your discomfort (i.e. to exclude any other causes besides varicose veins). Walking is also an excellent form of exercise to help promote good cardiovascular health.

Q: How long must I wear support hose?

A: You should wear the support hose every day, all day. Because support hose lose their elasticity over time, a new pair should be purchased every three to four months.

Q: Are there any medications I can take to help relieve the discomfort I experience with my varicose veins?

A: The best things you can do to ease your pain is to wear support hose, avoid periods of prolonged standing, and elevate your legs at the end of the day.

Q: If surgery leaves scars, why would I choose it as a treatment option? After all, the reason I want to get rid of my varicose veins is because they are ugly. Why should I replace them with ugly scars?

A: The scars will fade over time and if, necessary, can be covered with special cosmetic preparations.

Q: Will I become increasingly disabled over time if I develop varicose veins?

A: Varicose veins are progressive, which means that symptoms worsen over time. However, there are measures you can take to prevent or lessen symptoms. One does not become disabled by varicose veins.

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