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Tonsillitis And Tonsillectomy
Tonsillitis and Tonsillectomy: Glossary
Here are definitions of medical terms related to tonsillitis and tonsillectomy:
Abscess: A collection of pus that requires surgical drainage.
Adenoidectomy: Surgical removal of the adenoids.
Adenoiditis: An infection of the adenoids.
Adenoids: Gland-like lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat behind the nose that may help protect against infection.
Antibodies: Proteins made in the body that fight infection and destroy harmful organisms (bacteria and viruses) or toxins.
Cleft Palate: A birth defect that consists of a fissure in the tissues of the roof of the mouth.
Lymphoid tissue: Part of the body’s immune system that helps protect it from germs.
Peritonsillar abscess: A collection of pus surrounding an infected tonsil. Can occur as a complication of tonsillitis.
Retropharyngeal abscess: A collection of pus at the back of the throat. Can occur as a complication of tonsillitis.
Reye’s Syndrome: A disorder associated with using aspirin that can affect children after a viral illness.
Rheumatic Fever: A disease that is caused by the body’s reaction to infection by a bacterium known as group A beta hemolytic streptococcus. The disease can cause inflammation of the joints and damage to the heart.
Streptococcus: A type of bacterium that may infect tonsils. Infection with this bacterium, if not treated with penicillin or other appropriate antibiotic, can lead to rheumatic fever.
Tonsillectomy: Surgical removal of the tonsils.
Tonsillitis: An infection of the tonsils.
Tonsils: Oval masses of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat that may help protect children against infection.