In this Article
Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias
Putting It All Together: Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias
Here is a summary of the important facts and information related to anxiety, fears, and phobias.
- Fear is normal and useful, but millions of people suffer inappropriate fear in the form of phobias or panic attacks.
- In some cases, fears and anxiety may produce physical symptoms.
- Fears can be treated by a mental health professional, such as a
psychiatrist , apsychologist , or acounselor with a special training in the field. - Panic may strike out of the blue for no apparent reason, bringing physical symptoms such a heart palpitations or digestive disturbances as well as feelings of dread, terror and impending death.
Agoraphobia involves fear of the world outside, usually follows panic attacks, and can interfere seriously with people’s lives.- Specific phobias involve fear of one type of small creature, such as spiders, dogs, or cats, or of one type of situation, such a flying, looking down from heights, or being in enclosed spaces.
Social phobia involves an exaggerated fear of embarrassment and humiliation.