Prostate Enlargement

Prostate Enlargement: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to prostate enlargement.

Q: Can my prostate enlargement turn into prostate cancer?

A: There is no relationship between BPH and a cancerous growth in the prostate gland. These two types of growth occur in different ways and one cannot lead into the other. However, it is possible for BPH and prostate cancer to coexist in the same gland. Therefore, medical screening should be performed routinely for each condition.

Q: Should I have surgery if my symptoms are only mild or moderate?

A: How badly your symptoms interfere with the quality of your life should be used as the guiding principle. If your symptoms are just a daily inconvenience, you may not require any form of treatment. Watchful waiting, in which your condition is carefully monitored but not actively treated, may be all that’s necessary. Indeed, with just watchful waiting, over 40 percent of men with mild-to-moderate symptoms have experienced improvement in the symptoms of BPH.

Q: Shouldn’t I follow a more conservative approach by using medical treatments, rather than a surgical approach with its possible complications?

A: A conservative approach is usually the best approach. The use of an alpha blocker or an enzyme blocker may be more desirable than surgical intervention because of the increased risk involved with surgery. But you should be aware that in general, overall improvement rates are decreased while recurrence rates are increased with medical treatments. You should decide on the best course of treatment by learning as much as possible about your condition and its treatment options and using your doctor’s advice for additional guidance.

Q: How do I determine what treatment option is best for me?

A: To the extent possible, you should take charge of the treatment of your disease through discussions with your physician. To accomplish this, you will need to learn a good deal about your disease and its treatment. This knowledge and your physician’s guidance will enable you to determine the most appropriate treatment option, given your symptoms and the nature of the prostate enlargement. Potential improvement in quality of life should be a guiding principle in the selection of a treatment option.

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