Asthma In Children

Medicines To Prevent Asthma Attacks

Medicines are taken daily, whether or not symptoms occur, to prevent asthma attacks. The goal of these medications is to reduce the inflammation in the air passages. They are therefore called anti-inflammatory medications.

These medicines need to be taken even when there are no obvious symptoms of asthma. They are particularly helpful in preventing asthma attacks due to allergies, exercise, cold air, and some air pollutants. By reducing the swelling and mucus production in the lung’s tiny air passages, these medications lower the risk of asthma episodes, or in more severe situations, reduce the number and severity of attacks.

Preventive medications don’t work immediately, but may take weeks or months before they are really effective. So it is very important for the child to stick with them – and to take them regularly.

  • If doses are skipped the asthma is likely to get worse.
  • If medication is taken regularly, most children can keep their asthma under control. Even though they won’t be “cured,” they should be free of symptoms most of the time.
  • Taken properly, preventative medications should make the child’s life much easier. But it is still important to avoid the triggers and irritants that bring on asthma attacks.

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