In this Article
Heartburn (GERD)
Heartburn (GERD): Putting It All Together
Here is a summary of the important facts and information related to heartburn and hiatal hernia (GERD).
- GERD means Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease. It involves the “backward flow” of stomach contents into the
esophagus . - GERD is a relatively new term for heartburn, acid indigestion, and hiatal hernia.
- Hiatal hernia occurs when part of the upper stomach herniates, or bulges, into the chest cavity.
- Heartburn is a symptom of GERD, and not a separate disease.
- Most people with GERD also have a hiatal hernia.
- Simple lifestyle changes, often combined with medication, can treat most cases of GERD.
- If severe and untreated, GERD can have serious complications.