Can Counseling Help ADHD?

Counseling (or “coaching” as it is sometimes called) can be beneficial for children with ADHD, particularly if they experience problems related to anxiety or depression.

A “coach” can help children build motivation and get organized. The main role of the counselor or “coach” is to help children:

  • Learn to focus on their strengths

  • Become active rather than passive participants in the treatment process as well as in their home and school lives

  • Examine their problems and follow through with solutions

  • Understand the effect that ADHD has on their lives

Need To Know:

Keep in mind that children with ADHD may not enjoy traditional sit in a chair and talk type counseling.

Need To Know:

To help determine if your child might benefit from counseling, answer yes or no to the following questions:

  • Does your child make negative statements about himself/herself, his/her ability to make friends, or his/her schoolwork?

  • Does your child have difficult with sleep, appetite, or moodiness?

  • Is it difficult for your child to talk to you about his/her problems?

  • Have you seen a dramatic change for the worse in your child’s daily behavior and functioning?

  • Does your child understand ADHD, and is he/she a motivated participant in the treatment process?

  • Does the rest of the family need counseling?

  • Is your family under stress?

  • Is there conflict between you and your partner about the best way to work with your child?

  • Are brothers and sisters having a hard time?

  • Do you need to learn better strategies to help your child?

  • Are you having trouble managing your child’s behavior?

Any “yes” answers might mean that your child, or the family, would benefit from counseling. It need not be long term; sometimes just a few sessions can make a big difference.










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