
Additional Sources Of Information: Cystitis

Here are some reliable sources that can provide more information on cystitis.

Interstitial Cystitis Association 
Phone: 1-800-HELPICA
Phone: 1-212-979-6057


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Office of Communications and Public Liaison National Institutes of Health 


For online clinical trials information: or

Books of interest

Barbara Doherty King, Judy Harke, “Coping With Bowel and Bladder Problems,”(Coping With Aging Series), Singular Pub Group, December 1994.

The authors are geriatric nurse practitioners and offer practical information for aging adults and their families.

Beverley Laumann, “Taste of the Good Life: A Cookbook for an Interstitial Cystitis Diet,” Freeman Family Trust Publications, July 1998.

An easy-to-read cookbook that eliminates the confusion about what to eat and how food can trigger attacks. The information is backed up by research and offers nutritional guidance to people who must live with the condition.

Catherine M. Simone, “To Wake in Tears: Understanding Interstitial Cystitis,” IC Hope Ltd., November 1998.

One woman’s account of living with the condition, which discusses her wide-ranging journey in search of relief. The author talks about her experiences with Western medicine and alternative approaches. She reveals what made her life easier and how she stayed in control of her condition.

Jerry G. Blaivas, “Conquering Bladder and Prostate Problems: The Authoritative Guide for Men and Women,” Perseus Books, May 1998.

An easy-to-understand book that explains how the urinary tract works, things that can go wrong and what symptoms mean. Some chapters discuss particular conditions and treatment choices. To illustrate points, the author includes imaginary conversations between patients affected by these disorders and their doctors.

Larrian Gillespie, Sandra Blakeslee, “You Don’t Have to Live With Cystitis,” Avon Books, December 1996.

Gillespie, a physician and an authority on treating cystitis, offers ways for women to break out of the cycle of recurring bladder infections. She also discusses treatment options and research.

Rebecca Chalker, Kristene E. Whitmore, Suzann Gage, Kristine E. Whitmore, “Overcoming Bladder Disorders: Compassionate, Authoritative Medical and Self- Help Solutions for Incontinence, Cystitis, Interstitial Cystitis, Prostatitis,” HarperCollins, June 1991.

A woman urologist offers wide-ranging information on major bladder problems that affect both women and men. The book gives both medical information and guidance on how to work effectively with medical practitioners. It includes self-assessment charts, a comprehensive survey of medical treatments and products, and a number of coping strategies.

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