Anorexia Nervosa

Additional Sources Of Information: Anorexia Nervosa

Here are some reliable sources that can provide more information on anorexia.


National Eating Disorders Association 
Phone: (206) 382-3587 Hotline: 
Phone: 1-800-931-2237

Web site:

A non-profit organization that runs a toll-free hotline providing information on eating disorders and referrals to services. Develops educational and prevention materials and programs. Sponsors Eating Disorders Awareness Week in February.

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) 
Phone: (847) 831-3438

Web site:

Non-profit organization that provides information on eating disorders, referrals to services, local support groups, and educational programs.


Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide to Recovery, by Lindsey Hall and Monika Ostroff. Gurze Books, Carlsbad, CA, 1999.

This is an excellent guide to understanding and overcoming anorexia nervosa. It includes answers to many common questions about the disorder; Monika’s experience with anorexia nervosa and recovery; information on healthy eating and weight; ways to work with yourself on recovery, including getting support, self-exploration techniques, and relaxation exercises; and a section for family and friends.

The Eating Disorder Sourcebook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Causes, Treatments, and Prevention of Eating Disorders, by Carolyn Costin. Lowell House, Los Angeles, 1996.

This is a clearly written guidebook that gives an overview of the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of eating disorders. There are separate chapters on eating disorders in males and guidelines for family members and friends. Much of the book discusses different types of treatment.

Eating Disorders: A Reference Sourcebook, edited by Raymond Lemberg with Leigh Cohn. Oryx Press, Phoenix, AZ, 1999.

This book is a compilation of 40 essays by experts in the field of eating disorders. It covers symptoms, causes, medical complications, and treatment, as well as special sections on males, pregnancy, and childhood abuse and other traumas. It also includes personal stories of people with eating disorders, many resources for further information, and a directory of over 200 eating disorders treatment facilities.

Handbook of Treatment for Eating Disorders, edited by D.M. Garner and P.E. Garfinkel. Guilford Press, New York, 1997.

This 30-chapter volume is comprehensive and scholarly yet practical. Treatments are described in sufficient clinical detail to allow the practitioner to truly understand and model the specific components of the major approaches to treatment. Comprehensive treatment chapters present cognitive-behavioral, psychoeducational, interpersonal, family, feminist, group, and psychodynamic approaches for eating disorders. Additional chapters describe the particulars of inpatient and partial hospitalization as well as pharmacological management of eating disorders. A series of special topics provides the clinician with strategies for adapting treatment to deal with medical complications, sexual abuse, substance abuse, concurrent medical conditions, personality disorders, prepubertal eating disorders, and binge eating disorder as well as how to address patients who refuse to engage in therapy.

Surviving an Eating Disorder: Strategies for Family and Friends, by Michele Siegel, Judith Brisman, and Margot Weinshel. HarperCollins, Scranton, PA, 1997 revised edition.

This book provides valuable insight and practical guidelines for family members and friends of people with eating disorders. It discusses the behavioral and psychological aspects of eating disorders and treatment options. It helps readers deal with their feelings and develop a healthier relationship with the person with the eating disorder.

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